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Coach Ugo

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Coach Ugo 

I have been working in women's hoops my entire professional career - Graceland, Iowa, Brown, and most recently Northeastern. I played at Wagner College '15 and Temple University '16. I was fortunate to play professionally overseas. My playing stops were Spain, Argentina, Portugal, Turkey, and Angola. I am double fortunate to have played on the Nigerian National Team ('16-'18) where I became a national champion. Playing for Nigeria is by far my favorite basketball experience and memory. 

Growing up, basketball was a safe space for me. It was an environment for a tall girl who learned very quickly how to be a valuable and coachable player. It was a space where being tall was cool and through that I gained a lot of confidence in myself. I understood at a young age the importance of having a village of coaches who invest in you on and off the court. I want to be that for the players I come across. I am genuinely interested in the things my players care about. 

Aside from wins and losses, basketball has given me the greatest relationships - teammates turned best friends, coaches turned into parent figures and mentors, and a husband. I absolutely love the deep relationships I have formed with the players I coached. It is something I do not take lightly. As a coach, I believe that it's important to be as present as possible. It's more than basketball. I want to make sure lessons are learned and wisdom is passed down to the young players I GET to coach.

I am excited to join the X Factor Hoops team!